Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)

IMDB: "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls"

It's a rare thing when the sequel is just as good as the first one! Ace Ventura IS Ace Ventura and he will stay awesome forever. If I dare say (and I don't think a lot of people would disagree), this is Jim Carreys best (and most memorable) character and he'll remain a legend in movie history!

Ace has experienced something traumatizing and has put himself in a Monastery away from every one and every thing. He still loves animals, so even when he's put on a case of finding a white bat for a village that finds it holy, he says yes, even though he doesn't want to. He meets up with the tribe and starts his investigation for the bat. Will he find it and return it to the people? Well, you should watch it and see if he does!

* 10/10 *

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